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Mardi 22 mars, 19h - 20h / 3 月 22 日(二),晚上七時至八時
Cantonais 粵語
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Wébinaire : le théâtre de Molière avec Tang Shu Wing et Tong Yui 演繹莫里哀(講者:鄧樹榮及唐睿)

講者 Nos intervenants

適逢法國劇作家莫里哀 400 週年誕辰,法國駐港澳總領事館及香港法國文化協會藉著 2022 年法語圈同樂節的契機,一同向這 17 世紀的偉大人物致敬。今年香港藝術節亦特意於 3 月 18 至 25 日於線上串流播放其《太太學堂》及《偽君子》兩部經典作品。我們另外邀請了著名舞台劇導演及演員鄧樹榮先生和香港浸會大學助理教授及法漢文學翻譯專家唐睿先生,探討他們如何以現代的角度演繹和理解莫里哀的作品。

Dans le cadre de la fête de la Francophonie 2022 et à l’occasion du 400ème anniversaire de la naissance en 2022 de Molière, le Consulat Général de France à Hong Kong et à Macao et l’Alliance Française de Hong Kong rendent hommage au grand dramaturge du XVIIe siècle. De plus, l’édition 2022 du Hong Kong Art Festival programme deux de ses pièces : l’Ecole des femmes et Tartuffe seront diffusées en ligne 18 - 25 mars. Pour ce programme, M. TANG Shu-wing, célèbre metteur en scène et acteur, et M. TONG Yui (Christophe), professeur associé à Hong Kong Baptist Unviersity et traducteur littéraire (français - chinois), discuteront de leurs interprétations et compréhensions contemporaines du théâtre de Molière.

About the event: Director Tang Shu-wing will introduce the features of Molière’s drama works and their standing and significance in the history of theatre. Tang will also share his experience of and challenges in interpreting Les Fourberies de Scapin (Scapin the Schemer) in 1980s and L'Avare (The Miser) in 1996, explaining the importance of Molière’s works to contemporary theatre. Furthermore, the host Dr. Christophe TONG Yui will also invite Tang to discuss his directorial experience with French drama such as L’affaire de la rue de Lourcine, Phèdre, Le Dindon, La Cantatrice Chauve, Plus vrai que nature (Larger Than Life), and explain French culture from a macro perspective. A special focus will be placed on the impact of French drama to the culture and performance art of Hong Kong.

Molière: Tartuffe and The School for Wives - Hong Kong Art Fest (English) Molière: Tartuffe and The School for Wives - Hong Kong Art Fest (English)

莫里哀:《偽君子》及《太太學堂》- 香港藝術節(中文) 莫里哀:《偽君子》及《太太學堂》- 香港藝術節(中文)


唐睿   Christophe TONG Yui

薪傳文社社員。曾獲第一、二屆大學文學獎詩、小說獎及第廿九屆青年文學獎 散文、兒童文學獎。香港教育學院主修美術,教育學士學位畢業後留學法國, 巴黎第三大學──新索邦大學 (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III 法國文學 學士、比較文學碩士,上海復旦大學中文系博士。首本小說集《Footnotes》曾 獲首屆新鴻基地產及三聯 (香港) 合辦之「年輕作家創作獎」,以及第十屆香 港中文文學雙年獎小說組雙年獎,簡體版《腳注》由花城出版社於2017年出版 。作者從事文學及創作教育多年,曾於香港公開大學任教電影藝術及創意寫作 課程,後轉職香港浸會大學語文中心,現於香港浸會大學人文及創作系任職助 理教授。作者亦從事法漢文學翻譯,譯有《行腳商》(散文)一書。

Tong is a member of the Xinchuan Literary Club and a multi-award winner honoured at the 1 st and 2 nd Intervarsity Creative Writing Competition (in the categories of poem and novel) and the 29 th Hong Kong Youths Literary Awards (in the categories of prose and children’s literature). After graduating from the Bachelor of Education (in Arts and Education) programme of the Hong Kong Institute of Education, Tong furthered his studies in France and completed his Bachelor’s in French Literature and then Master’s degree in Comparative Literature at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III. He received his PhD from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Fudan University in Shanghai, China. With his first novel Footnotes, Tong won the Young Writers; Debut Competition jointly organized by Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd. and Joint Publishing (H.K.). Footnotes was also awarded the Prize in Novel at the 10 th Hong Kong Biennial Awards for Chinese Literature in 2009. The simplified Chinese version of the book was published by Flower City Publishing House in 2017. Tong is a seasoned literature and creative writing educator. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing of the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). Prior to this position, Tong taught at the Language Centre of HKBU, as well as Creative Writing and Film Arts courses at the Open University of Hong Kong. Tong is also the French to Chinese literary translator of the book Colporteur (collected prose).

鄧樹榮   TANG Shu-wing

劇場導演及戲劇教育家。 早年在香港大學修讀法律,後立志向表演藝術發展。1986-92年間於巴黎新索邦大學攻讀戲劇研究及在l’Ecole de la Belle de Mai接受演員訓練。後再往印度靈修。多元的文化背景使鄧氏的作品擁有一種融匯傳統與當代的獨特性,較著名的如《泰特斯》、《泰特斯2.0》、《馬克白》、《打轉教室》及《舞.雷雨》,均於多個國際藝術節上演。其倡導的「從身體出發的簡約美學」,是香港當代劇場的重要品牌。2004 至 2011 年在香港演藝學院任教,後期更擔任戲劇學院院長。2011 年成立「鄧樹榮戲劇工作室」,2014年成立「形體戲劇青年專業訓練課程」,至今已成為培育年青演藝工作者的重要平台。2019年,「工作室」獲香港藝術發展局選為「優秀藝團」。他於2021年獲香港藝術發展局頒發「傑出藝術貢獻獎」,以表揚他過去多年的卓越成就。其他主要獎項包括香港特區政府榮譽勳章,行政長官社區服務奬狀,香港演藝學院及香港嶺南大學榮譽院士,香港藝術中心「藝術榮譽獎」,三屆香港舞台劇獎最佳導演獎,法國文化部「藝術及文學軍官勳章」及羅馬尼亞 Undercloud Festival 卓越獎。


Theatre director and drama educator, Tang studied laws in The University of Hong Kong in early years before taking performing arts as career. From 1986 to 1992, he pursued Theatre Studies in ​the ​Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle​ in Paris and received actor’s training at l’Ecole de la Belle de Mai. Then he went to India to experience spiritual formation. His multi-cultural background very often blends both traditional and contemporary elements in his works, such as Titus Andronicus, Titus Andronicus 2.0, Macbeth, Detention and Thunderstorm, which have all been staged in many international arts festivals. His “minimalist body aesthetics” has become a brand of contemporary theatre in this city. Tang taught at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) from 2004 to 2011 and served as Dean of the School of Drama before he established Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio in 2011. In 2014, he set up the Professional Physical Theatre Youth Training Programme, which has become an important platform  for nurturing young performers. In 2019, his Studio was named by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council as an Eminent Arts Group. In 2021, he was awarded the Award for Outstanding Contribution in Arts by the same Council to acknowledge his achievement in past decades. His other major awards include the Medal of Honour by the HKSAR Government, the Chief Executive’s Commendation for Community Service, Honorary Fellows of HKAPA, Lingnan University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Arts Centre, three times Best Director in the Hong Kong Drama Awards, Officier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication and Excellence Award by the Undercloud Festival of Romania.


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