DALF Adult C2 (04/2025)

Alliance Française, Jordan Centre

Written Test: 24 April, 09:00-12:30
Oral Test: 25 April

Bulletin d’inscription au Diplôme d’études en langue française (DELF) et au Diplôme approfondi de la langue française (DALF)
Registration form for the Diplôme d’études en langue française (DELF) and for the Diplôme approfondi de la langue française (DALF)

N.B. Exam fees are neither refundable nor transferable. Please ensure that you will be available to attend the exam on the date and within the time range.
注意:考試費一經繳付,恕不退還或轉讓。 請作適當安排以出席考試,香港法協不作任何退款或改期安排。

Participants have to complete ALL fields below to register for the exam. 

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First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Last Name / 姓氏Nom (must be the same as shown on your identity card or passport.)
First Name / 名字Prénom (must be the same as shown on your identity card or passport.)
Date of Birth / 出生日期 (DD)
Month of birth/出生月份 (MM)
Year of birth/出生年份 (YYYY)4 Digits of Year of birth
Gender / 性別Sexe
Country or Territory of Birth / 出生國家或地區Pays ou Territoire de naissance
City of Birth / 出生城市Ville de naissance
Mother Language / 母語Langue Maternelle
Nationality / 國籍Nationalité
Candidate ID (previous diploma holder)考生編號(如曾參與考試)/No Candidat (Diplôme précédent) (format : 086852-XXXXXX)
Reason of taking exam / 參與法語鑑定文憑的原因Raison de prendre l'examen
Where do you learn French? / 你於哪裡學習法語?Où apprenez-vous le français ?
City / 城市Ville
Province / 省份Province
Country / Territory / 國家或地區Pays / Territoire
Phone number / 電話號碼Téléphone
Email / 電郵Adresse électronique (for receive exam information)


Qty Product Total
1 x DALF Adulte C2 $3,300.00
Tax: $0.00
TOTAL: HKD $3,300.00
Discount Code
Credit Card Number
Credit Card Holder
Credit Card ExpiryExpiry date - Month / Year
CVV CodeThe code on the back of your card

We Accept Visa We Accept MasterCard

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