Winter Mid-term (February-March): Discover our Mid-term classes offer here


A $100 AFHK Student registration/membership fee is required to attend our classes. It is valid for a period of 1 year and grants access to services for our students and membership privileges. 

Placement Test
A placement test is required for students with prior knowledge of French. AFHK will charge immediately a fee of $150 to book an appointment spot.  Without receiving the payment within 48 hours, AFHK reserves the right to remove the spot without any notice. Furthermore, in case of no show the fee is non-refundable.

Admission to Classes
Only the person registered for the class is allowed to attend, no sit-in on class or substitute by another person is allowed. Tuition fees, class schedules and tutors are subject to change without prior notice.

Course Cancellation and Viability
AFHK considers the following classification of class: Standard classes consist of a minimum of 10 students and Small classes consist of number of students between 5 and 9. Once the category of a class is decided prior to registration, no change will be made during the term.

Under the minimum enrolment set up for each category of courses, if the number of registered students is less than required, and if all registered students desire to keep the class, AFHK reserves the right:
●      To cancel the course.   

or     To reduce the number of hours/length of the course to allow it to be held (with 4 students only, 80% of hours - with 3 students only, 60% of hours originally

or     To maintain the course with the same hourly volume but at a higher price that will be proposed to the enrolled students and subject to their approval.

Withdrawal / Deferment

For each enrolment

Application ends 14 working days before Term starts

Less than 14 working days before Term starts and until the end of Term

Withdrawal from class

Refund with a $300 Admin Fee

No application for withdrawal / deferment is accepted

Deferral of enrolment to next term

Credit (valid only for 6 months) with a $100 Admin Fee

Once the Term has started

Withdrawal for serious reasons (illness, hospitalization, permanent departure from HK) with due justification

Partial refund of the remaining hours with a $300 Admin Fee

All requests must be made in writing (via e-mail or by post) with due justification. No verbal notification is accepted. AFHK reserves the right to accept or reject any such application.

Change of Class / Missed Class / Makeup Class
All transfers from one course to another will be considered on an individual basis. A $100 administration fee will be charged for any application for class-transfer.

No refund or make-up class will be arranged due to absence of the student for any reason.

There will be no make-up or refund for classes that are cancelled due to adverse external conditions (general strike with no transportation, etc...),  Classes arrangement for adverse weather condition (such as typhoon nº 8 or Black rainstorm warning, detailed information is posted on our website:

The paid tuition fees are not subject for refund or credit if classes switch online due to the sanitary situation or adverse weather conditions.

Certificates / Attendance Records
The student has access to the “Student Portal” provided by our website, where he/she can monitor his/her information, find his/her classes, invoices, Letter of Completion (Attendance records), as well as an access to the materials provided by the teacher of his/her current class. It is accessible with the same AF login ID and password. 

Alternate requests for Certificates of Completion or Attendance Records are charged for each copy $100. All requests must be made specifically in writing.

Alliance Française de Hong Kong Management

AFHK reserves the right to assign any teacher to any class. Teacher rotation will be exercised periodically.

AFHK reserves the right to divide, combine, cancel or reduce hours for any classes as it deems necessary.

AFHK reserves the right to change the terms and conditions, as it deems necessary, without prior notice.


  • Registration requires a date of birth, contact number and email address. Please fill in the NAME as stated on the ID card.
  • On the first day of class, please bring along your receipt. Full payment is required before the first day of class.
  • When necessary, our staff may require the students to provide proof of identity for verification purpose (e.g. suitable age group for class).
  • Please handle with care all the equipment and facilities provided by AFHK, you are liable to pay for any damage caused.
  • Please turn off the ring tone of your mobile phone during class, to return or answer phone call, please do so outside the classroom.
  • Please look after your own belongings, AFHK will not be responsible for any loss or damage.
  • Please mind your own safety when moving around or going up and down the stairs within the premises of AFHK, AFHK cannot be held accountable for any accident due to your own negligence.
  • No recording, video recording or filming is allowed without the permission of the management and from the teacher.

Medical attention: In the event of personal emergency, sudden illness or accident, you authorise AFHK to seek medical, hospital or ambulance services on your behalf where the AFHK, in its absolute discretion, considers it necessary or appropriate to do so. You agree that you will be solely responsible for any expenses associated with the provision of such services.

Privacy statement: Protecting your privacy and personal information is important to AFHK. It is, however, important for us to collect certain personal information from you in order to offer you effective and efficient service.

We will only collect information from you with your knowledge and consent; only use personal information provided by you for the purpose/s for which it was collected, not disclose your personal information to a third party without your prior consent, ensure that your personal information is not disclosed to other institutions except if required by law or other regulation, and remove your personal information from our system where it is no longer required upon your specific written request.

Please contact us to provide any necessary corrections to your personal information.

Newsletter: by becoming a student of the AFHK, the student becomes a member of our society, and is granted a Membership/Student card. He/she accepts to receive communication from the school. He/she has the possibility to change this opt-in option by unsubscribing to the AFHK's newsletters at anytime.

Disclaimer: The Alliance Française de Hong Kong makes every reasonable effort to ensure that course information supplied is correct at all times. It reserves the right to change any course, private tuition, fees and tutors when necessary. All attempts will be made to notify enrolled students about any changes.

Students need to purchase textbooks or materials at an additional cost, unless otherwise specified.

Photo release: I hereby grant permission to Alliance Française de Hong Kong the right to use, reproduce, and/or distribute photographs, films, videotapes, and sound recordings of me or my child, taken during Classes or Camps without compensation or approval rights, for use in materials created for purposes of promoting the activities of Alliance Française de Hong Kong exclusively.

Jurisdiction: These terms and conditions will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws in force in the Hong Kong S.A.R. and, by signing this agreement, you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of this territory.






 ●      取消該班課程
     減少該課程的上課時間(小時/日期), 只有四名學員:按照原定的時間減少20%,只有三名學員:按照原定的時間減少40%。

退學 / 延期













轉班 / 缺課 / 補課


如學員自行缺課,無論任何理由將不獲退款或補課。 課程若因外在惡劣環境(如因示威活動導至交通癱瘓)而被取消將不會獲得改期補課或退款。因惡劣天氣(如天文台懸掛八號風球或黑色暴雨警告)而取消的課程,詳細安排請請瀏覽本會網址: 


課程證書 / 出席證明


香港法國文化協行政部 香港法協保留指派任何教師教授任何班級的權利。教師亦會定期輪換。

備註 :

  • 報讀課程者必須提供出生日期,聯絡電話及電郵地址。填寫姓名時請按照身份證填
  • 上第一節課時請攜帶繳費收據(必須已繳付全額學費)以便核對。
  • 本會職員可按需要,要求學員提供身份證明,以檢定學員資格(例:年齡組別是否適合)。
  • 請愛護本會的各項設備,如有損毀,本會有權要求學員作出賠償。
  • 上課時請關掉手提電話的鈴聲,如需覆電,請到室外。
  • 請自行保管隨身物品,如有遺失或損壞,本會恕不負責。
  • 學員在本會中心內走動或上落梯級時敬請注意自身的安全,如因閣下的疏忽而引致任何意外,本會概不負責。
  • 未經本會行政部門及教師的同意,學員不可錄音、錄影或拍攝。






免責聲明:香港法國文化協會盡一切能力確保在任何時候所提供的課程信息之準確性。在必須要時,香港法國文化協會保留更改課程、私人補習的上課地點、學費和導師的權利,並盡一切方法通知與相關改變有關的登記學員。 若沒有特別註明,學員需額外付費購買課程所需的教科書或材料。


司法管轄權:以上的章程和條款將受香港特別行政區現行法律的監管和解釋。 並且,通過接受本協議,閣下服從本地法院的非專屬管轄權。

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