Les ateliers de l'Alliance Française - Alliance Française's Workshops
Learning French is a journey around the basics of the language but also skills that you can develop with Alliance Française: speaking,
reading, writing, listening, grammar clinic, medias, conversation, exam preparation, etc. Please check our list
of workshops.
Level A1
Grammar is essential and somehow struggling in French. Improve here your basic skills here.
Prerequisite: A1 Beginner - Part 2 (A102)
or placement test
Levels A1/A2
Develop your conversational skills and strategies to face daily and communication situations.
Levels A1/A2
Get more familiar with the sounds of French (phonetics, pronunciation, prosody, accent) and avoid common mistakes and misunderstandings.
Please use the above filters to narrow your search. Unsure of your level? Click here to take your placement test.
Our teacher will help you put in place a 10 week-study-program.
Each week, our teacher will cover different activities (listening, reading, speaking, writing) in class, and offer you valuable feedbacks. As they monitor your progress skill by skill, they will be able to offer you precious tips for the exam-day.
6 participants maximum for an ideal exam preparation.
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.
Through programmes from TV5MONDE, the French-speaking channel, improve your comprehension, your oral skills and vocabulary.
A unique pedagogical approach :
- You learn to understand French as it is spoken in Paris, Geneva, Dakar, Montreal, Brussels, and elsewhere,
- You learn grammar and vocabulary in context,
Our French for business workshop will help you to interact with colleagues and clients in a French speaking professional environment. Our 20-hour workshops are additional and complement to regular courses.
There are different thematic workshops offered including boost your professional profile, and present your
company. You will also get to expand your horizon and meet an established business representative at the end of the
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member
Our teacher will help you put in place a 10 week-study-program.
Each week, our teacher will cover different activities (listening, reading, speaking, writing) in class, and offer you valuable feedbacks. As they monitor your progress skill by skill, they will be able to offer you precious tips for the exam-day.
6 participants maximum for an ideal exam preparation.
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.
Through programmes from TV5MONDE, the French-speaking channel, improve your comprehension, your oral skills and vocabulary.
A unique pedagogical approach :
- You learn to understand French as it is spoken in Paris, Geneva, Dakar, Montreal, Brussels, and elsewhere,
- You learn grammar and vocabulary in context,
Our French for business workshop will help you to interact with colleagues and clients in a French speaking professional environment. Our 20-hour workshops are additional and complement to regular courses.
There are different thematic workshops offered including boost your professional profile, and present your
company. You will also get to expand your horizon and meet an established business representative at the end of the
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member