Immerse yourself in the world of Beethoven and Mozart with 4 unique VR experiences, performed by Insula Orchestra & accentus under Laurence Equilbey’s baguette. As glimpses of the show at HKAF on March 26, 27 and 28, discover 2 chapters of Beethoven Wars : a fight for peace !
沉浸在貝多芬和莫扎特的世界中,通過 4 個獨特的 VR 體驗,由 Insula Orchestra & accentus 在 Laurence Equilbey 的指揮棒下演出。作為 3 月 26、27 和 28 日在香港藝術節演出的預覽,探索《貝多芬之戰》的 2 個章節:為和平而戰!
Chapter 2 - THE DUEL
第二章 - 決鬥
Lost in the depths of space with their armies, Stephen and Gisèle decide to fight one-on-one to spare what remains of
Chapter 6 - THE THEATER
第六章 - 劇場
Gisèle awakens from her poisoned slumber to find the space station transformed.
Other experiences available:
The user is drawn into an interactive musical promenade, a sensory experience.
You’ve heard Beethoven’s fifth symphony before, but never like this. In this one-of-a-kind VR experience, the all-time classic is
performed by insula orchestra
您以前可能聽過貝多芬的第五交響曲,但肯定沒有聽過這樣的版本。 在這獨一無二的VR體驗中,這部經典之作由Insula樂團演奏。 [請保持角色]
Around the “Gloria”, “Benedictus” and “Agnus Dei” of Mozart’s Coronation Mass, enjoy a staged journey of long-takes and 360° views
inside the orchestra.
圍繞莫扎特《加冕彌撒》中的“Gloria”、“Benedictus”和“Agnus Dei”,享受一場由長鏡頭和來自樂團內部的360°視角組成的舞台之旅。
To enjoy the experience, RSVP is required. Nine slots are available.
Places are limited, book your spot!
想享受此體驗,請務必預留名額 (RSVP)。一共有九個 20 分鐘時段可供選擇。名額有限,敬請儘快預留位置!
Wednesday 26 March:
150 years ago, in April 1874, Paris hosted the first exhibition of works by artists who would come to be known as Impressionists.
"Tonight with the Impressionists, Paris 1874," presented at the Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI)
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Want to pass a language exam? Here are 10 tips to give yourself the best chance, applicable on a daily basis. AFHK is the official French exams center in Hong-Kong with qualified French native teachers.
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