The Booming Years

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At the end of the 80's, Alliance Française Hong Kong already established itself in Hong Kong and built a strong community. The French and local community continued to grow from the early seventies to nineties and reached its "Booming Years". To cope with the rocketing no. of students, Alliance Française acquired two property assets in Wan Chai in 1971 and Jordan in 1975 respectively. These two premises are now Wan Chai and Jordan centre. 

Anecdote: In 1983, because of Typhoon Ellen, the center has been totally flooded. 

Several political events increased the desire of Hong Kong people to emigrate at the end of the 70 decade. It favoured 			the learning of the French language.  			 Students at the language  laboratory in Kowloon (on this picture)..

1971, is the year of the settlement of the Wan Chai center.  

In 1972, French Cinepanorama (Hong Kong French Film Festival) was created and become an annual event. Nowadays, more than 50 films are screened every year around November and December in the framework of Hong Kong French Film Festival. In the 1980s, a wider variety of social events were organized regularly. The most popular social events among them was balls. 

In 1991, Alliance Francaise Hong Kong became the biggest in the world with 45,000 registrations. It founded Le French May jointly with the French General Consulate in Hong Kong and Macau in 1993, and curated the first 10 editions of the festival. French May Arts Festival has continued to grow and become Asia's biggest French cultural events with more than 120 programs annually. 

Flyer for a Bal.

Flyer for a Ball.

People dancing during a bal.

People dancing during a ball.

"Paroles" magazine replace the magazine "Le Journal de Hong Kong" in 1982.

  "Paroles" magazine replace the magazine "Le
    Journal de Hong Kong" in 1982.

In the picture: Opening of the HKFFF 1982 edition. Creation of the Hong Kong French Film Festival in 1972.   				The first edition of a successful event.

Creation of the Hong Kong French Film Festival in 1972. 
(picture: opening of the HKFFF 1982 edition)

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