The Alliance Française is an independent, non-profit-making language and cultural organisation. It was founded in Paris in
1883 as a national association to promote the French language throughout the world under the leadership of Ambassador Paul Cambon. The
following year, the Alliance de Paris was founded by a board of directors including Ferdinand de Lesseps, Louis Pasteur, Ernest Renan,
Jules Verne and Armand Colin.
In 1953, the Alliance Française Hong Kong was established and quickly became an important landmark of the
French presence in Hong Kong. Today, there are more than 830 Alliances Françaises in 132 countries, with more than 500,000 students
worldwide. In 2023, the Alliance Française Paris and the Fondation will celebrate their 140th anniversary.
The Alliance Française Hong Kong was the first language school to be established in Hong Kong. In 1953, 56 members were registered with the organisation. The headquarters was strategically located in Central, with classrooms and a library. In the same year, it organised the first edition of the French Cinepanorama (Hong Kong French Film Festival). Through its diverse and rich cultural activities, the Alliance Française Hong Kong quickly became the place to be for francophiles and lovers of French culture. With the support of partners such as the Consulate General and the local student association "L'Amicale", the Alliance Française was able to organise entertaining events. It has also launched a magazine focusing on French culture and cultural events in Hong Kong.
Pour la 53 e édition du festival du film français à Hong Kong, l’Alliance Française de Hong Kong présente un nouveau panorama du septième
art français. La sélection propose une trentaine de films inédits, sortis cet été ou prévus pour l’automne ou l’hiver 2024/25.
Within this year's selection, discover movies that are real shots of adrenaline!
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