Wigs, Makeup and Power
Webinar - Wigs, Makeup and Power 假髮、妝容與力量 - in English
EN : A riveting hour of conversation on the history of wigs worn by French royals and aristocrats during the French 17th and 18th centuries. Clothing, makeup, moles, wigs...: What inspired these fashion trends of that time? Paintings of the 17th and 18th century will be discussed and commented by Stéphanie Slackhouse, a Hong Kong based drag queen and David Cordina, AF's Director of Studies. This unconventional, but fabulous webinar will be the great finale to our month of Francophonie! Don't miss it!
FR : Une heure de conversation sur l'histoire des perruques des rois de France et de l'aristocratie française et européenne des XVIIe siècle et XVIIIe siècle. Costumes, maquillages, mouches, perruques : pourquoi une telle mode à cette époque ? Les tableaux seront commentés par Stéphanie Slackhouse, drag queen de Hong Kong opérant dans les clubs et bars de la ville depuis plusieurs années et par David Cordina, directeur des cours de l'AF. Un wébinaire - un peu décalé - pour clore notre cycle !
Stéphanie Slackhouse
Aunty Stéphanie SlackHouse, the youngest Queen in Hong Kong - she’s only 21 and has amazingly been doing drag for over 30 years - of course you wouldn’t know it to look at her ageless face. A sparkly pop-theatre princess, with a dirty dirty mouth that is used to sing, tell jokes and be shady. Don’t be too shady with her though cause she’s a lady…well a lady of the night!
David Cordina
David has been Alliance Française's Director of Studies since 2017 and manages AF's department of French language. Project manager of the Francophonie Festival.