三十年後,Bonny回流香港,又回到讓這一切開始的地方――香港法國文化協會!兩年前Bonny 重新報讀法協法文課程,而他的決心和對學習的熱誠實在令人鼓舞,更讓我們為他感到非常自豪。Bonny看了熱播中的電視劇《Emily
in Paris》之後萌生從新開始學法文的念頭。從劇中看到巴黎這座城市,那裡美麗的建築物、感受到它的活力之後,又重新燃起他對法國文化——法文的興趣。Bonny明白到學會這語言能為他打開一個全新世界的大門。因此決定重新踏上這趟法文學習旅程,展開探索!
Tang Contemporary Art proudly presents In Stranger Lands: Cocoa’s Journeys To Asia – an exhibition curated by Caroline Ha Thuc, featuring 20
newly commissioned artworks by established artists working across Asia.
The Centre for Heritage, Art, and Textile currently hosts the exhibition "Listen to the Sound of the Earth Spinning" by Hong Kong
artist and designer Kingsley Ng. It is located on the former cotton-spinning mills of Nan Fung Textiles, now a pet-friendly cultural hub.
The M+ Museum of Contemporary Visual Culture currently features a special exhibition titled "I.M. Pei: Life Is Architecture" until
January 2025, showcasing the work of Chinese American architect Ioh Ming Pei.