Enroll in DELF Junior, get qualification for HKDSE!

From 2025 onwards, stipulated official language examinations, i.e., DELF, are required for candidates taking Category C (Other Language Subjects) in the HKDSE. The importance of language proficiency is increasing in JUPAS admissions. Let’s learn more about attaining DELF Junior qualifications and how it can make a difference in your JUPAS admissions!

What is CEFR?

CEFR is the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). CEFR describes language proficiency and ability into levels A1 (Beginner), A2 (Basic), B1 (Independent), B2 (Advanced), C1 (Proficient), C2 (Mastery). 

CEFR is an international standard for language which is widely used in European languages, including French, German, Spanish, and more.


The Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) announced new arrangements for Category C (Other Languages) subjects commencing from the 2025 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) onward. 

HKDSE candidates who take Category C subjects will be required to take stipulated official language examinations, instead of the current examination of Cambridge Assessment International Education (Cambridge International) Advanced Subsidiary (AS) level. 

Let’s take the JUPAS admission statistics for HKUST in 2024 as an example. Attaining level B2 in DELF Junior corresponds to a converted admission score of 5.5. In the same year, less than 10% of HKDSE candidates achieved level 5 or above in the English subject, which is equal to a score of 5-7. 

In contrast, 56.7% of candidates attained a grade of B+ in Category C (Other Language Subjects), which is equivalent to level B2 in DELF Junior, also resulting in a converted score of 5.5 for JUPAS admission.

How to apply?

Candidates shall take DELF  within the two years preceding the HKDSE they sit, i.e. for 2025 HKDSE candidates shall take DELF  in 2023 and 2024, and complete the examination by the end of 2024. 

What are you waiting for? Enrol for DELF Junior and test your French ability!

Click here to know about DELF and HKDSE


Registration for DELF junior (December 2024) for students under 18 will begin in October!

Registration for DELF Junior Registration for DELF Junior

Learn French with Alliance Française de Hong Kong

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