
學法文是一趟旅程,法國文化協會將為您作嚮導,一同探索法文和法國文化的基礎,對症下藥,透過各種工作坊助您提升不同範疇的法語能力,主題由針對聽、講、讀、寫,到聚焦文法﹑傳媒﹑日常生活對話和法文公開試備考,一應俱全。詳情請瀏覧 工作坊列表

成人法文發音課程, 中階法文

發音訓練 - B1


成人法文說話課程, 中階法文

說話訓練 - B1


成人法文會話課程, 中階法文



成人法文課程, 中階法文時事


透過法語電視頻道TV5MONDE 的時事﹑文化﹑教育等多類節目,改善您的文語理解﹑聽說能力,增進詞彙。

成人法文文法課程, 中階法文

文法解讀 - B1/C1

學習和重溫B 級程度課程的所有法語文法,面對結構繁複的句子您都能迎刃而解。法語文法工作坊將助您完善對中高階法文文法的理解和應用,對有意報考DELF B1/B2、DALF C1/C2 的同學尤其重要!

french grammar independent workshops


B101 或以上


french grammar independent workshops


B101 或以上

french grammar independent workshops


B101 或以上

french grammar independent workshops

B101 或以上


在 La French Radio 的總監 Catya Matin 教導下,您將製作一段法文播客。

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Adults 成人
Teens 青少年
Kids 七至十歲
Young Kids 二至六歲

Please use the above filters to narrow your search. Unsure of your level?  Click here to take your placement test.

B1 Independent

B1 Independent - Part 6

Prerequisite: B1 Independent - Part 5 (B105) or Placement test

Objectives: talk about your travels, talk about the future, describe a trend, express a feeling, etc.

Lexical content: animals, landscapes, adventures, feelings, environment, etc.

Grammar content: les pronoms relatifs composés, le futur antérieur, les temps du passé, etc.

Textbook: Inspire 3 (B1), Leçons 31 à 36
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.

Pace: Each lesson = 2h

DELF B1 Preparation Workshop


Our teacher will cover different activities (listening, reading, speaking, writing) in class, and offer you valuable feedbacks. As they monitor your progress skill by skill, they will be able to offer you precious tips for the exam-day.

Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.

Pace: Each lesson = 2h

DELF B1 Preparation Workshop


Our teacher will cover different activities (listening, reading, speaking, writing) in class, and offer you valuable feedbacks. As they monitor your progress skill by skill, they will be able to offer you precious tips for the exam-day.

Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.

Pace: Each lesson = 2h30

Focus on Grammar B1


Write with proper grammar! Detailed explanation and revision of grammar rules will definitely improve your written and spoken skills!

This term, we will cover various grammar points in our Grammaire Progressive (intermediate A2/B1) textbook:
- les relatifs "qui / que / où & dont"
- la mise en relief "ce qui / que, c'est / c'est ... qui / que"
- les relatifs composés "lequel / auquel / duquel / etc."
- l'interrogation "où / quand / comment / combien / pourquoi / qui / que / quoi"
- la négation "ne... jamais / aucun / rien / ni... ni / sans / ne... que"
- le discours indirect au présent - le gérondif 
- les prépositions et les verbes   (Chapters 32 to 37)

Pace: Each lesson = 2h

Focus on Media: Learn with TV5MONDE

Prerequisite: B1 Independent - Part 3 (B103) or Placement test

Objectives: talk about literature (simple comments), describe a habitat, discuss how you can improve someone's lifestyle, describe a piece of art, share an appreciation, explain the work of an artist, organize your texts, etc.

Lexical content: about the city, inside the house, health issues (3), music, street art, architecture, morale description, etc.

Grammar content: passive voice, pronouns 'y' and 'en', text connectors, position of the adjective, the form of the past participle, etc.

Textbook: Inspire B1, lessons 18 to 24 (in units 4, 5)

Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member
Pace: Each lesson = 2h

Focus on Speaking - B1

For levels B1.4 to B2.4.

You have a hobby, a passion, a little something that means a lot to you? In Focus on Speaking, you will be the one to choose the theme of the class!
Become more fluent when sharing about what you love with others in French!

Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.
Pace: Each lesson = 1h30

Focus on Speaking - B1

For levels B1.4 to B2.4.

You have a hobby, a passion, a little something that means a lot to you? In Focus on Speaking, you will be the one to choose the theme of the class!
Become more fluent when sharing about what you love with others in French!

Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.
Pace: Each lesson = 2h

Focus on Speaking

For levels B1.4 to B2.4.

You have a hobby, a passion, a little something that means a lot to you? In Focus on Speaking, you will be the one to choose the theme of the class!
Become more fluent when sharing about what you love with others in French!

Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.
Pace: Each lesson = 3h

French For Business

For Independent level.
Six sub-levels to complete the third learning stage: B101 to B106 Independent
Not sure about your level? Please contact us for a short level assessment with one of our Teachers to help you find the right course.
Topical workshops for the curious minds and the extroverts (Grammar clinics, Focus on conversation, phonetics, art, culture, TV5MONDE,  current affairs…) are offered as well.

Pace: Each lesson = 2h

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