Cinematic Pulse: In the heart of Luc Roux’s photographs

Soho House Hong Kong | Sheung Wan Studio, G/F 33 Des Voeux Rd W, SW
22 Nov - 3 Dec 2023
10:00am - 6:00pm
Free (No reservation needed)

As part of the 70th anniversary celebration of the Alliance Française Hong Kong, a special photo exhibition of Luc Roux: Cinematic Pulse: In the heart of Luc Roux’s photographs (Le cinema au coeur) is organized during Hong Kong French Film Festival. The exhibition will take place from November 22 to December 3, 2023 at Soho House Hong Kong in Sheung Wan. This photo exhibition will allow you to discover a selection of 50 photos taken by Luc Roux, set photographer for French movies and co-founder of Studio Magazine.

Special Events : Guided Tours in EN and FR

24 November, 2023 @ 11:00am - Guided Tour in English in the presence of Luc Roux and Jean-Pierre Lavoignat 

Reserve here Reserve here

25 November, 2023 @ 15:30pm - Visite guidée
en Français en présence de Luc Roux et Jean-Pierre Lavoignat

Réservez ici Réservez ici

About Luc Roux

After studying at the Beaux-Arts d’Avignon, Luc Roux first worked as a photographer for Première from 1983 onwards, then, with Marc Esposito and Jean-Pierre Lavoignat, he participated in the creation of Studio Magazine in 1987, where he was the regular photographer for 17 years. His mission was to follow film shoots and festivals as well as to take portraits of actors and directors for covers and interviews. When they were created, these two new-style film magazines, both cinephile and popular, gave as much space and care to the image as to the text and became between the 1980s and the mid-2000s, the most widely read and influential film newspapers. In the wake of their success, comparable magazines were launched in several European countries, as well as in the US.

More information on our blog in French   :
Luc Roux, le cinéma au coeur       et       French Actresses : Fashion Muses

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