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是專為已能操流利法語的孩子而設,旨在訓練他們掌握寫作的技巧,並為IGCSE、IB、DELF Junior 法文考試作準備。

兒童法文班, 法文考試準備, IGCSE french, IB french exam hk

IGCSE / IB 法語考試工作坊

我們提供針對法語考試(IB and IGCSE) 的工作坊,導師會為學生解釋考試要度及重點,讓考生了解自己的了解自己的能力。

兒童法文班, 法文考試準備 DELF Prim

Summer Camps 考試工作坊

適合11 - 16 歲青少年的假日營工作坊讓你的子女能好好利用假日的時間學習及預備考試。 

兒童法文班, 法文考試工作坊 DELF Junior

DSE - DELF Junior 考試工作坊

適合11 - 17歲青少年的工作坊,讓考生充分預備DELF Junior 考試。

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A1.1 Discovery (Teens)

A1.1 Discovery Teens - Part 1 + Cinema Workshop

Holiday Classes with Camps 假期課程+半日營

Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever 

Say hello and introduce yourself
• Say hello and goodbye
• Ask for and give news
• Introduce someone
• Name and count objects

Vocabulary: people, numbers 0 to 10, objects, etc.
Grammar: indefinite articles, definite articles, plural of nouns, c’est / ce sont, etc.
Verb: s’appeler

Textbook: Explore 1, Units 0, 1 and lesson 1 of Unit 2
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.

Pace: Each lesson = 2h30

A1.1 Discovery Teens - Part 1 + Comic Workshop

Holiday Classes with Camps 假期課程+半日營

Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever 

Say hello and introduce yourself
• Say hello and goodbye
• Ask for and give news
• Introduce someone
• Name and count objects

Vocabulary: people, numbers 0 to 10, objects, etc.
Grammar: indefinite articles, definite articles, plural of nouns, c’est / ce sont, etc.
Verb: s’appeler

Textbook: Explore 1, Units 0, 1 and lesson 1 of Unit 2
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.

Pace: Each lesson = 2h30

A1.1 Discovery Teens - Part 1 + Cooking Workshop

Holiday Classes with Camps 假期課程+半日營

Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever 

Say hello and introduce yourself
• Say hello and goodbye
• Ask for and give news
• Introduce someone
• Name and count objects

Vocabulary: people, numbers 0 to 10, objects, etc.
Grammar: indefinite articles, definite articles, plural of nouns, c’est / ce sont, etc.
Verb: s’appeler

Textbook: Explore 1, Units 0, 1 and lesson 1 of Unit 2
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.

Pace: Each lesson = 2h30

A1.1 Discovery Teens - Part 1 + DIY Workshop

Holiday Classes with Camps 假期課程+半日營

T00 + DIY Workshop

2-week Summer Teens  curriculum mixed DIY workshop to practice French with fun and creativity!

Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.

Pace: Each lesson = 2h30

A1.1 Discovery Teens - Part 2 + Cooking Workshop

Holiday Classes with Camps 假期課程+半日營
Prerequisite: A1.1 Discovery Teens - Part 1 (T101) or placement test

Talk about your origins
• Say your nationality
• Say your age
• Introduce and describe someone
• Talk about your family

Vocabulary: names of countries, nationalities, family, numbers 11 to 69, etc.
Grammar: preposition de + article, possessive adjectives, adjectives of nationality, adjective agreement, etc.
Verb: être, avoir

Textbook: Explore 1, Unit 2 (lesson 2 ) & Unit 3
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.

Pace: Each lesson = 2h30

A1.1 Discovery Teens - Part 3 + Cooking Workshop

Holiday Classes with Camps 假期課程+半日營

Prerequisite: A1.1 Discovery Teens - Part 2 (T102) or placement test

Talk about your tastes and your activities
• Talk about your tastes
• Ask why and answer
• Express frequency
• Discuss your sporting activities

Vocabulary: days of the week, times of the day, leisure activities, sports, etc.
Grammar: negation (ne…pas), questions with quel, faire de and jouer à + article, negation 2 (ne… pas de), questions with est-ce que / qu’est-ce que, etc.
Verb: verbs ending with –er (aimer), faire

Textbook: Explore 1, Units 4
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.

Pace: Each lesson = 2h30

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