暑期精讀課程 : 4月22日前報讀可享95折早鳥優惠!時間表


您喜歡在香港法國文化協會學習法語嗎? 現在可以與您的朋友分享樂趣!



  1. 您的朋友有興趣學習法語 - 很好!你已經成功了一半。
  2. 邀請你的朋友填寫表格
  3. 當您的朋友成功報讀法協課程,您將收到一封電子郵件,確認您的下一個課程可享用9折優惠—et voilà!就這麼簡單。

邀請朋友填寫表格 邀請朋友填寫表格


*Terms & Conditions: 

  • The Referrer current students of AFHK
  • The Referrer can enjoy this offer only when the Referee has paid and enrolled in a course with AFHK
  • When he/she is recommended, the Referee has 2 months to enrol in a class with AFHK, pass this delay the offer will expire
  • When a Referee has enrolled, the Referrer has 2 months to use his/her discount.
  • The offer can be combined with Early Bird/Super Early Bird/ Reward Card
  • The Referee must be a new student of AFHK or has not studied with AFHK for at least 3 years
  • The offer can be used for regular classes and private tuition packages of any level
  • The offer cannot be redeemed for cash
  • The offer cannot be used for memberships or cultural events

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