學法文是一趟旅程,法國文化協會將為您作嚮導,一同探索法文和法國文化的基礎,對症下藥,透過各種工作坊助您提升不同範疇的法語能力,主題由針對聽、講、讀、寫,到聚焦文法﹑傳媒﹑日常生活對話和法文公開試備考,一應俱全。詳情請瀏覧 工作坊列表 。
A203至A206: 改善法語對話技巧和策略,生活上遇到不同的情景和場合都能溝通自如。
Please use the above filters to narrow your search. Unsure of your level? Click here to take your placement test.
This 15-hour workshop will prepare you to take the DFP des Affaires (French for Business) exam.
Our dynamic classes are led by certified examiners with experience of the Corporate world who will guide you through your preparation journey. They will help you put in place a 10-week study program covering the 7 tasks of the exam and giving you tips and individual feedback.
Activities :
A1 : complete a form, give information about a product, write an email, interact with colleagues…
This workshop is accessible after the completion of the general French level A1. If not previously enrolled in an AF course, you will have
to take a complimentary placement test or provide proof of completion.
Students enrolled in this workshop enjoy a 10% discount on the exam registration fee.
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.
This 15-hour workshop will prepare you to take the DFP des Affaires (French for Business) exam.
Our dynamic classes are led by certified examiners with experience of the Corporate world who will guide you through your preparation journey. They will help you put in place a 10-week study program covering the 7 tasks of the exam and giving you tips and individual feedback.
Activities) :
A2 : write a note, present a product, interact with customers, apply for a job offer…
This workshop is accessible after the completion of the general French level A2. If not previously enrolled in an AF course, you will have
to take a complimentary placement test or provide proof of completion.
Students enrolled in this workshop enjoy a 10% discount on the exam registration fee.
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.
Focus on Daily Expressions A2/B1
Bimodal: in class or online via Zoom following your convenience.
Objectives: to write and speak with the right expressions ! Explanation and revision of the nominal and verbal expressions necessary to
improve your writing and speaking skills ! After this workshop, you will be able to write and speak in French with ease. The teacher will
provide the necessary learning materials for this workshop.
(Each workshop session will be different with new teaching materials and topics)
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.
Join us for a dynamic and interactive grammar workshop specifically designed for learners at A2 and B1 levels. This workshop aims to strengthen your grammatical skills while making learning enjoyable and accessible.
Focus on Writing A2/B1
Bimodal: in class or online via Zoom following your convenience.
Objectives: to explain and practice the correct use of the past, present and future tenses with the object pronouns : y, en, lui, leur,
le, la, l’, les, necessary to definitely improve your writing skills ! After this workshop, you will be able to write in French
with ease in a variety of situations : text messages, comments, references, informal or formal emails, etc. The teacher will provide
the learning materials for this workshop.
(Each workshop session will be different with new teaching materials and topics)
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.